The Tropical World


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Common name
Scientific name
Pterophyllum scalare
Average Adult Fish Size
Typical size 10cm
Normally quiet, occasional troublemakers, spawning fish will become territorial.
Place of Origin
Angelfishes are native to the freshwaters of tropical South America and may grow to a length of about 15 cm (6 inches).
Minimum Aquarium Capacity
30 Gallons
Black Veil Angelfish
Panda Angelfish
blushing Angelfish
Ghost Angelfish
Golden Angelfish
tancho Angelfish
Zebra Angelfish
smokey angelfish
Black Lace Angelfish
Albino Angelfish
Platinum Angelfish
Koi Angelfish
Additional Information
The Angelfish is a stunning aquarium fish with plenty of character and is deservedly one of the most well-known and popular aquarium fish. Its behaviour in the aquarium can be very varied depending on conditions and individuals may be quiet peaceful loners or aggressive territorial bullies. Aggression is normally only directed at other angelfish unless a pair is breeding, in which case they will defend a small breeding area from all other fish.